
Recruitment Notification

Online Applications are invited for the post of
Pre-Primary Teacher & Office Assistant

Eligibility criteria for Office Assistant:
Age Limit: Above 21 years
Educational Qualification:
Essential:  A Minimum Degree from govt Institution / reputed Institution with good communication skills
Desirable: with 2 years experience in office administration.
Known Languages : Tamil, English
Salary: Fixed according to the Performance
Mode of Selection:  Interview
* Eligible candidate will be called for the Interview

Eligibility criteria for Teacher:
Essential: A good attitude, patience & kind caring towards kids
Age Limit: Above 21 years
Educational Qualification:
Essential: A first class diploma in ECCE (Early Child Care Education)  from govt Institution / reputed Institution.
Desirable: with 2 years experience in teaching.
Known Languages : Tamil, English
Salary: Fixed according to the qualification & Performance
Mode of Selection:  Interview
* Eligible candidate will be called for the Interview

Online Application Form

    Apply for the post
    Office AssistantTeacher